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Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Chora

tags: Chora biblical Turkiye

Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Chora

Editor: Rasim Terzi (Wed, Jul 3, 2024 1:40 PM)

 Mosaics of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Chora

Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Chora


Upon entering the nave of Chora, you are greeted by the profound mosaics of Saint Peter to the left and Saint Paul to the right. These mosaics are not just artworks; they are windows into the foundational pillars of Christianity.

**Saint Peter**, originally named Simeon, was given the name "Petros," meaning rock, by Jesus Himself when He declared, "I will build my church upon you." In the mosaic, Saint Peter is portrayed holding the keys to heaven, symbolizing his role as the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Heaven and his foundational importance to the Church.

**Saint Paul** is depicted holding a book, representing either the words of Jesus or his own epistles that form a significant part of the New Testament. A Jewish Pharisee and tent maker by trade, Saint Paul witnessed the martyrdom of Saint Stephen. On his transformative journey to Damascus, he was struck blind and heard the voice of Jesus asking, "Why do you persecute me?" This divine encounter led to his conversion to Christianity. Upon reaching Damascus, he was baptized by Saint Ananias, regaining his sight and dedicating his life to spreading the Christian faith, particularly among the Gentiles.

Saint Paul’s decision to travel westward was strategic; he recognized that the Jews in the east were more rigid in their beliefs, and he believed he could have a greater impact on the more receptive Jews in the west. His missionary journeys were pivotal in the spread of Christianity beyond Jewish communities.

The mosaics of Saint Peter and Saint Paul are not merely artistic depictions but are emblematic of their monumental contributions to the Christian faith. These mosaics embody the essence of their teachings, sacrifices, and the indelible marks they left on the history of Christianity. Visitors to Chora are offered a profound spiritual experience, connecting deeply with the early Christian era through these timeless mosaics.

Wed, Jul 3, 2024 1:40 PM

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